Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Proximity and Punctuation

The new houses at the end of Deveron Road are awfully expensive. Really. Many pounds. Many many pounds. And they're on a main road. And jam-packed together. Actually, some of them are on two main roads. What idiot let that happen? The magnificent Troon Times reports that all the new streets will be named after former Lifeboat people. Which seems like a good idea. While we're at it, can we rename all the Portlands, Harlings and Fullartons to something else? So they had money and owned our ancestors. Read some Marx. Property through violence. If we're going to name streets after rich people that lived here, can it at least be after Mr Marr?

Any why can't the Troon Times punctuate?


Dogwithnobrain said...

Er.... Marr Drive......

Is that not after Mr Marr?

My Troon said...

Is that it then? "Marr Drive" and a falling down building is all he gets? And the Portlands and Fullartons get quite to much more? Let's rename Fullarton Woods Karl Marx Forest and Portland Street Lenin Avenue.