Monday, July 30, 2007

Comestibles Shock

So a new Italian restaurant in Troontown on Templehill. Try as I might to whinge about it, it was actually pretty good. Food, service, prices. Doesn't make for interesting blogging. But it does give me the hope that it will bankrupt the other crappy places or if that can't be arranged it might at least make them appreciate their customers more.

The new Buzzworks place on West Portland Street continues to tease with its epic construction schedule. They appeared to find fossilised potatoes from an earlier Troon restaurant and building was halted while they carbon dated them and sold them to local restaurateurs for bulking of Soup of the Day.


Anonymous said...

So Mr Troon. What has happened to you since your last blog on 30th July. My thinking is that you have got so fed up with poor service/poor food/incompetent councillors/couldn't care-less tradesmen/ that you have upped sticks and sailed off to the Bahamas! And who could blame you! But IF you are still around - I miss your grumbles!
Ms Lurgan.

My Troon said...

Erk. I didn't realise anybody was reading.

Don't get me wrong, I'm happy to complain about anything. Troontown's just quite handy. Dundonald - what's it for? Prestwick - is there any need?

Bahamas would be too ruddy hot.