Wednesday, October 03, 2007


A different tack. Complaining with praise. The kiosk at Troon station. Why can't more small businesses be like this? They unfailingly say "Good Morning" (yeah, okay, I'm old-fashioned, but it's called basic courtesy and yes, I say it too - it's called basic humanity). They're friendly. They smile. I wouldn't blame them if they didn't, mind. Must make them sick to see people reading the Metro (or the Shite, as I like to call it) which they can get free on the platform. It's all culled from the internet and designed to be read by gibbons. But I digress. Is Network Rail trying to bankrupt people like this while infecting the dimmer members of society with drivel on paper?

There's a few of them work in that kiosk. Looks like family. Can we ask them to take over the running of the whole town?

And did anyone notice there were no plastic horses around town while until the SNP took over in Edinburgh?

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