Friday, May 19, 2006

Troon to be Paved Over

Much shock and horror in The Troon Times about plans to build 45 million new homes in the fields in the north of the town. Incomers are expected to be dirty poor people and certainly not the people who we're used to. Rumours are going round that these hideous people will drop litter, clog our pavements with their reckless walking activities and generally make our lives hell. The underlying tone of The Troon Times is that these bastards should find some rock somewhere (preferably the far side of Irvine) to plant their tents and LEAVE OUR TOWN ALONE.

Of course, the average age of the Troon resident is 114, so waiting a few years should mean there are a few more houses available.

Bloody people.

1 comment:

Steve Wilson said...

Hi there My Troon,

I like your brand of ill-humour. I grew up in right-wee, tight-wee Troon in the fifties and sixties, and I'm astonished that the town's still stuck in a middle-class time warp.

I'm slowly posting a series of pictures of Troon in my blog at There's a magnificent example of 'Gathering Clouds at Troon' and a suicide-inducing photo of the Ballast Bank. Makes you wonder why people bothered coming doon the watter.

Regards: Steve Wilson (Troon 1952 - 1972)